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NetSuite Consulting Services
Empowering VARs and SOFTWARE publishers

Reaching New Heights with PartnerCare


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Introduction to PartnerCare

PartnerCare by KimberLite Partners is designed to elevate your status as a solution provider or VAR by closely examining and enhancing key aspects of your business. Whether it's achieving specific financial goals, improving efficiency, or enhancing service delivery, our PartnerCare service is tailored to address these critical areas.


Are you achieving the goals that you set for your business? Are you performing at peak efficiency? Are your margins and revenue targets being met? Is your valuation where you want it to be? If you answered no to any of these questions, KimberLite Partners (KLP) can help you get there. Utilizing years of Solution Provider and VAR experiences, KLP will leverage their Partner Care approach to make you shine like the best-run VARS and Solution Providers. KLP will assess and advise in your transformation.

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Comprehensive Business Evaluation

Our thorough assessment covers all vital areas of your business, from organizational structure and strategic relationships to your product offerings and market presence. Areas that KLP will evaluate include:

  • Current Organization & Responsibilities

  • Current Strategic Relationships

  • Current Revenue Sources

  • Markets Served, Segmentation of Customers

  • Differentiators

  • Customer Lifecycle

  • Product & Service Offering(s)

  • Service Operations

  • Development

  • Sales & Marketing

  • Finance & Administration

  • Employee Relations & Metrics

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Strategic Execution for Improvement

Following the assessment, our team provides expert advice on implementing the recommended improvements. We help you align your strategies with your goals, offer tactical planning and execution support, and guide your transition to the desired future state. Our advisement includes:

  • Aligning strategies/initiatives with stated goals

  • Providing tactical planning & execution to ensure success

  • Offering strategies for transition to the future state

  • Auditing/monitoring marketing, sales, and delivery

  • Creating and tracking KPIs

  • Conducting NPS and delivery surveys

  • Performing quarterly health checks

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Transform Your Consultancy for Maximum Success

Assessment Services

Kimberlite Partners conducts a thorough assessment of your business operations, including organizational structure, strategic relationships, revenue sources, market segmentation, and more. Our assessment services provide you with a detailed roadmap for improvement, helping you identify key areas to optimize and grow.



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Strategic Advisement

Kimberlite Partners offers strategic advisement to help you implement recommended improvements. Our expert guidance aligns your strategies with your business objectives, ensuring successful execution and sustainable growth.



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